The Best Landing Page SEO Companies Will Help You Sell More!
Landing pages are a fantastic strategy to capture potential customers and convince them to buy from you, Right Now! Don’t Miss Out! Effective landing pages are vital and having the right content to appeal to people that are searching and making sure that the pages SEO allows it to be highly ranked so that people will have a chance to click on the link are all important ingredients. Here are some great tips from the best landing page SEO companies that will bring this all together.
Maximize SEO with Your URL
It is important to use a URL that helps to describe the page, product or business. This means you are getting the maximum value from it instead of using a generic term that has no value. Unfortunately best practice dictates keeping it as short as possible and making it easily readable at the same time means that it is not an easy task. When you get the right balance search engines and the people looking at search results will both be pleased with your efforts.
Scrolling Is Not Cool!
Less is more particularly on landing pages and having a massive page that is packed full of information and keywords is great for SEO but will more than likely impact conversion rates negatively. Having a landing page that is as close to square as possible helps to keep all the information in front of the visitor so they can quickly find the information that they need.
This will also help your landing page to be as viewable as possible when it is viewed on a pad device or a smart phone. These mobile devices are increasing becoming a major part of potential landing page viewers and by keeping things as simple as possible you won’t alienate these potential customers if you do not have a fully mobile compatible page.
Say It Again Sam
One of the top tips from the best landing page SEO companies is to use your call to action often. In many cases you only have a few seconds to capture their attention and your call to action is the perfect thing to draw their attention and encourage them to make a purchase. If you leave it to the end of the page then they may have already clicked somewhere else.