
Key Elements of a Good Web Design

There are social networking sites, informative sites, industrial sites, e-commerce sites….so many websites and so many designs. What makes one web design better than another? The success of a website is most often measured by the traffic it generates and how easy it is to use once individual do get to your website. A solid web design can improve your search engine rankings and establish your website among relevant search engine results.
While no one design may be less or more effective than another, there are certain elements that are integral to an efficient website design. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Audience: One of the most important things when you decide on a web design is to know who you are designing for. Know your audience and who you intend to appeal to with your website.
  • Media: Most people are visual and images can only contribute positively to your website. Feel free to make the most of images, videos and texts in your website- not only get your message across effectively but also to make your website aesthetically appealing.
  • PDF Incorporation: Consider using PDF to help visitors download your brochures and other text that you would like your visitors to have.
  • Check Links: Make sure all your webpages are functional before you publish your website. 404 error messages are frustrating and can turn away visitors in an instant.
  • Browser Compatibility: Once you’ve successfully designed your website, make sure that it is accessible on various popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome among others. In addition, so many people are now accessing websites on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets that it is essential to also accommodate those who access websites on the go.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Your website plays a very important role in SEO- the content of your website is essential to SEO and very important to ensure that you are ranked higher within search engines.
  • Website Footer: this element is so often ignored by website builders. But this is essential to make a sort of last pitch effort to appeal to your customers.

A site’s web design is ultimately what establishes you business’ reputation online. Having a website that is user friendly with constant content updates will go a long way to obtain repeat business, generate new customers and make your business known.