
Website Search Engine Optimization Begins With the Design

Search Engine Optimization or SEO as it is more commonly known is a specific service that enhances the visibility of a website. One of the biggest factors that Search Engine Optimization relies on is the design of the website. It is a common problem where SEO agencies have been brought on board to find that the website is not designed within the recommendations and therefore they have to spend a lot of time with the design before the website can be optimized.

To avoid this from happening consideration should be made as to the requirements of SEO at the initial design stage of the website. It is vital that the developer and SEO work together just as it is important for the graphic designer and copywriter to work alongside one another. Many website developers still fail to understand the importance of the Search Engine Optimization during the design stages. Due to this there is unnecessary work when optimization begins, however all of this can be avoided by ensuring that the following points are adhered to:

Headers That Are User Friendly

The first point is to include a user-friendly header as this will persuade the user stay on the page. If the user were to search with the keyword “Cheap Shoes”, the Search Engine Optimization would ideally land on the websites product page of shoes. If the header is not clear then it is more than likely that the user will move onto the next search result. Landing pages, particularly those of services are tricky and therefore when the header is composed it should be done with the user and their intentions in mind.

Clearly defined Services on the Home Page

The majority of time the home page of a website is the landing page to the links that appear in searches. Due to this it is the most important page as far as SEO is concerned. When a user visits a business website searching for a product or service these should be clearly shown in the home page.

Responsive Site

If the site is responsive then there is no need for optimizing and additional promotion. All the user need do is type in the URL and site version and it is automatically loaded dependant on the device being used. This saves a lot of work for the SEO team and the user.

Links to Social Pages in the Home Page

Social Media Optimization has become as important as Search Engine Optimization. It is most helpful from the SEO point of view that any links to the businesses social media pages i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn etc. are included in the home page.

Although it is the SEO that brings the user to the website it is the optimized designing that makes them stay and one is no use without the other.